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Our School Vision, Ethos and Values


‘Life in all its Fullness’ – Living, Loving, Learning Together

(John 10:10)


Our Vision is to enable each child to reach their full potential, both spiritually and intellectually, within a loving, safe and nurturing environment where they are central to all that we do.

We Aim To:

Provide a holistic, meaningful and engaging curriculum which inspires a love of learning.

Promote equality of opportunity and develop our children’s awareness of others and moral, cultural, social and spiritual issues.

Develop and strengthen the abilities of all individuals, to encourage a high self-esteem, and promote high standards of behaviour making them responsible and valuable members of society.

Include and involve all members of the school and the wider community of Newborough and the surrounding area in a common enterprise to benefit from the past, learn in our present and strive for our future.


The following six values are central and underpin all that we do: 


‘Encourage one another and build each other up’ Thessalonians 5:11

We are a community who work together, look out for one another and support each other in order to create a happy and positive environment where we feel loved, valued and respected and can reach our full potential.


‘If you hold anything against anyone, forgive them’ Mark 11:25

Every day is a fresh start - if something went wrong yesterday, today is a chance to start again! We use our ‘Good to be Green’ system to help us do this. If someone upsets or hurts us, we try to follow Christian teachings and forgive them quickly. Because of this, we are honest when we have done something wrong and we take responsibility for our actions.


‘The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy’ Psalm 126

Joy is the expression of inner happiness and contentment. At school, we believe that children and adults achieve most through praise and encouragement. We choose to be positive and encourage children to be content so that they become a source of joy to others. We celebrate success with rewards such as: House Points, Proud Ofs, celebration assemblies and Governor Awards.


‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’ Luke 6:31

We can show our kindness towards others in many ways – this may be by buddying up with younger pupils and looking out for them around the school or by helping the adults to look after plants and our school environment. We are encouraged to think about how we like to be treated by others and how this should influence how we behave.


‘Love one another as I have loved you’ John 13:34

We care about the people in our school and local community and look after each other. We empathies and sympathise with others in our school, in the local community and around the world. We understand that there are people less fortunate than ourselves and when able we regularly support different charities either by donating money, goods or help.


‘And the peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus’ Philippians 4:7

Our school is a place where we feel safe. We know that there are people with different faiths and beliefs and we not only tolerate those differences, but celebrate them too. We have a strong understanding of what is right and wrong that comes from Christian teachings and stories from the Bible. We know that it is very important to behave in school, at home and in the community. We respect people, places, property and nature in our school and local community.