School Improvement Plan
Every year, the school reviews the progress that has been made and sets new improvement priorities to be worked on and achieved over the following school year. On this page, you will find the priorities that have been set and approved by the governors for 2022 - 2023. Progress towards achieving these is reported to the full governing body throughout the year to ensure they are being met to a high standard. If you would like to know any more about these priorities or how we are working towards achieving them, then please either speak to the Headteacher or a member of the governing body.
Priority 1:
Ensure leaders at all levels are effective in their role and have a positive impact on pupil outcomes.
Ofsted: Leadership and Management
SIAMS Strand Link: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Actions Taken
Priority 2:
Develop further opportunities for pupils to revisit and review key learning in Maths and English.
Ofsted: Quality of Education
SIAMS Strand Link: 2 Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
Actions Taken
Priority 3:
Ensuring all teachers utilize their AFL to target and support pupils in making rapid progress.
Ofsted: Quality of Education
SIAMS Strand Link: 2 Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
Actions Taken
Priority 4: To further develop and enhance the Christian Distinctiveness of the school
Ofsted: Behaviour and Attitudes, Personal Development
SIAMS Strand Link: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Actions Taken