Contact Us
Newborough C of E Primary School
School Road
Telephone: 01733 810253
Executive Principal: Mr D Epton-Smith
Principal: Mrs J Paterson
SENCO: Miss T Blyth- email address
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs J Paterson
Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr D Epton-Smith, Miss A Moat, Mrs L Bacon and Miss T Blyth.
To raise a safeguarding concern with the school, please email and a safeguarding lead will get back to you.
For all enquires please contact Miss Clarke and Mrs Gibbs in the office, who will be happy to help you.
If you require paper copies of any documents, please also contact the school office.
Newborough CoE Primary School is part of Peterborough Diocese Education Trust (PDET). The contact details and link to their website are below:
Peterborough Diocese Education Trust, Bouverie Court, 6 The Lakes, Bedford Road, Northampton, NN4 7YD
Telephone: 01604 887056