Admission Arrangements
A school year runs from September 1st to August 31st. By law, parents are required to make sure that their child is educated from the beginning of the term after his or her fifth birthday.
Primary Schools in Peterborough offer places to Reception children at the beginning of the Autumn Term. Admission arrangements for these children are at the discretion of the school.
Newborough CE Primary School has a pupil admission limit of 30 children. The age range is 4 – 11 years, i.e. Reception to Year 6. After seven years at Newborough School children living within the catchment area of Newborough and Borough Fen transfer mainly to Arthur Mellows Village College, Glinton but other schools can be considered based on parental preference.
Admission arrangements for the academic year 2024/25 and 2025/26
Admissions to Newborough School are the responsibility of the Local Authority. To find more information about how to apply, click here.
Applications to start school into Reception
Newborough CoE Primary School admits new Reception children every September into the school. To apply for a primary school place for your child to start school in September, please click the following link for more information on the Peterborough City Council website.
In-Year Transfers
Peterborough City Council are responsible for in-year admissions for Newborough CoE Primary. To apply for a school place or find more information please follow the link
Admissions Criteria
Where applications for admission exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below, to decide which children to admit:
The local authority will admit children with an education health and care plan which names a school. This will be in addition to any specific arrangements to specialist provision. The order of priority for all other children is as follows:
- A 'looked after child' or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).
- Children who are both living in the catchment area* served by the school and have siblings** of compulsory school age still attending the school at the time of their admission.
- Other children living in the catchment area* at the time of admission.
- Children of members of staff, provided that they have been employed for a minimum of two years and/or are recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill's shortage.
- Children who do not live in the catchment area* served by the school, but who have siblings** of compulsory school age attending the school (or are attending an infant or junior school on the same site) at the time of their admission.
- For admission to junior (KS2) schools only; children who are in attendance at an infant school on the same site at the time of application, have been in attendance at the school for at least a term prior to application and remain there until the end of the summer term.
- Other children whose parents have requested a place who live outside the catchment area* of the school.
*An alphabetical list of streets and their school catchment areas is available on the Peterborough City Council website
**For the purposes of admissions, the Department for Education definition of sibling is as follows: ‘Sibling refers to brother or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step-brother or sister, or the child of the parent/carer’s partner, and in every case, the child should be living in the same family unit at the same address.
Every effort will be made to ensure that brothers or sisters (as defined above) and those from multiple births can attend the same primary school, understanding that the local authority must comply with the Education (Infant Class Sizes) (England) Regulations 1998.
If your application for a school space is unsuccessful due to no school places being available at the time of application, you may appeal this decision. Peterborough City Council are responsible for the the admission appeals at Newborough CoE Primary.
Please find more information in relation to appeals on Peterborough City Council's website.
Admissions Team
Peterborough City Council,
Children’s Services, Sand Martin House
Bittern Way, Fletton Quays
We adhere to the Local Authority Admissions Policy to address starting in Reception, in-year transfers and appeals.