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LIFE in all its fullness ~ John 10:10


It is our pleasure to welcome you to Newborough Primary School’s website.

At Newborough, our Mission Statement is, 'Life in all its Fullness' - Living, Loving, Learning Together (John 10:10).

As a school, we strive for every child within our care to reach their full potential, both spiritually and intellectually, through providing an environment which is loving, safe, and nurturing and a curriculum which is holistic, meaningful and engaging: the children being central to all that we do.

Our school has been an integral part of the village community for over a hundred years. We aim to continue to build upon these effective relationships both with the families we serve and the wider community so that we can work together for the benefit of the children within our care.

Please take time to look through our school website and, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Places available in some Year Groups - please contact us on 01733 810253 to arrange a visit.


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15 Jul 2024

New to the Early Years: Reception 2025

New to the Early Years: Reception 2025